Writing pamphlets is almost the same as writing a newsletter except that instead of being subscription or advertising supported, a pamphlet is sold outright usually for about $4 or $5.

The format is different too. While a newsletter is one to eight pages in length in an 8.5″ x 11″ format, the pamphlet is about 20 pages in length after folding 10-8.5″ x 11″ sheets of paper in half and binding them into a booklet form.

Anything can be the subject of a pamphlet. If you know something about something, write it in a pamphlet.

If you know a little or a lot about dogs, you can write for men and women of all ages interested in all phases of dog ownership. Maybe you only know about a certain breed of dogs. Write about all aspects of a certain dog breed.

If you know a little or a lot about brides, you can write about relationships, sexuality, fitness, wedding planning, psychology, finance, travel, beauty, fashion, and home design.

If you know a little or a lot about women’s interests, you can write about beauty, fashion, fitness, career, relationships, personal growth, nutrition, food, home, lifestyle, child care, social issues and psychology.

These are just a few suggestions for pamphlets. You might choose to write about everything in a certain niche or you might choose to write about only one thing in a certain niche.

The important thing is to choose a niche that you know something about or something that you have done a lot of research on.

If someone buys one of your pamphlets and it lacks knowledge of it’s subject, they will never buy another publication from you, but that’s not all. Sometimes customers refuse to pay for inferior work, and worse yet, an unhappy customer tells at least seven other people what a poor product he or she received. So make your pamphlets informative, and worth more than the money they are paying for it.


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